Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Random pics

These are just some pictures from the last couple of months. I'm hoping this will buy me some time before my Christmas post.


Michelle said...

The girls are gorgeous! And the "bow-hawk" is hilarious!

Rebecca Larsen said...

I have to say, I absolutely love the "bow-hawk". Was that her idea? Hilarious.

Alexa said...

Alright.... so I'm a dork... today I saw August and apologized for not making it over to get her family picture and she said that she brought it over to the house.... then the light bulb came on in my head and I remembered a little while ago when I was out running errands, the kids called and said that McKay and Anaya had a huge fight over a picture that August brought over, and the picture got wrecked and they were both crying. I thought they were talking about a picture that August drew... not a picture picture... duh. So, I probably need another family picture, and this time I'll keep track of it. I can pay for it if you need to print another one .... sorry about that... (love the "bow-hawk," so cute!)

Alexa said...

Thanks for the picture. I'll guard it with my life =)