Friday, September 12, 2008

You're gonna miss this...

Have you heard the country song by Trace Adkins titled YOU'RE GONNA MISS THIS? This has been my theme song since I heard it. "What's're tired of nursing babies 10 times a day-well you know you're gonna miss this someday, babies do grow up. Come just cleaned the living room 2 minutes ago and it's already filled back up with the same toys you just put away...that's right you're gonna miss this too someday." It's hard to not wish away this crazy, demanding, out of control time of our lives so every once in a while I remind myself that I really am going to miss this. Or am I? It's hard to think that I'll ever miss baby food splatters on all my clothes, changing 16 diapers a day, loading and unloading the dishwasher non-stop, etc. But I know that it's the baby giggles, the kids' artwork just for me, FHE lessons taught by a 3 year old, and little girl hugs and kisses that I'll really miss. And who knows maybe cleaning my house and having it stay clean will even become boring eventually...Nah, I don't think so! So to all you awesome Moms out there going through this stage with me...hang in there, enjoy this time, it won't last forever! :( And to you moms who made it through this stage I salute you! Yahoo, great job, you made it! And could you just reassure you really miss this? :)


Nat Heaton said...

Britney - I am so glad you wrote that post! I have got to listen to that song. I was just thinking the other day how I complained so much about my days with Lexi the past two years and now I would do anything to have those days back (just the two of us)...I would cherish every minute of it. Life is crazy with two, I can only imagine life with four. YOU (AND BRANDON) ARE AMAZING! Hang in there and we hope to see you when we are home in November.

Michelle said...

I'm always telling myself, "One day, I'll miss the chaos!" Right now it'd just be awesome to have one clean room...sigh...

Kami Anderson said...

I love that song! You are such an awesome Mom. Keep in mind that no one cares how clean the house is but you. Love you and wish I was there to help you out.

Paige Moore said...

One time when I was wiping up yogurt for the upteenth time under the table, I was listening to a General Conference talk on my iPod. It was President Julie Beck's "Mothers Who Know," which is one of my very favorites. In it, she says (among many many other things), "Mothers who know are nurturers... To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow. Therefore, mothers who know create a climate for spiritual and temporal growth in their homes... Growth happens best in a 'house of order,'... Nurturing requires organization, patience, love, and work." For that time, I was amazed at how my yogurt cleaning made me feel so nurturing! For the rest of the times, I have to remind myself that it is in fact nurturing.