Yep! Today was August's first day of kindergarten. She did great! She did have to give me a few extra hugs as I dropped her off (which I needed by the way). I actually held it together...no tears from either of us. (Probably because I cried them all out last night! LOL) As she was eating breakfast I overheard her talking to herself and giving herself a little pep talk. She said, "Okay, I'm going to remember that I believe in Jesus and I'm going to listen to everything my teacher, Mrs. Austin, tells me." Isn't that the cutest?!
The babies are already 7 months old. They are so funny. It's fun to see their different personalities coming out. The both have 2 teeth, they sit up, and can somehow maneuver themselves around to their toys: they pivet, scoot, whatever it takes.
I can't believe August is in Kindergarten. Porter started Kindergarten today too. Leah was so not ready for it. I had to tell her I didn't think that was going to make any difference. It was going to happen anyway. The babies are getting so big and I feel like such a loser that I haven't even seen them yet. I love you guys and hope to see you soon!!!
Wow August is to cute! I look forward and dread next year when Haley starts. Kids just grow to fast!
Sheesh, those are some gorgeous pictures of August! And look how tan they both are! I wonder how that happened?! Tell August thanks for getting McKay all happy for me this morning.... he wasn't liking his new shorts, but not wanting to change into another pair either.... she came over and distracted him enough that he forgot he was being bothered by his clothes. You have some really NICE girls. And don't worry about the cup thing... that was a small price to pay for the kids to play outside all day in the heat all summer long =) I need to get some kind of drinking fountain built into the back yard... Wasn't that an awesome summer though?!
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